in the morning

in the morning was when i was totally in love with you.

small fault between your lips, relaxed slopes of your shoulders, deep steady breath from your lungs struck a perfect composition of satisfaction that i could not provide for you— only sleep was capable. one look at this contentment would entirely quench me for the day and i would look forward to the next sun rise to repeat that feeling.

some tolerances cannot be reset, did you know that? what i really love is how alive the mornings are. temperature of the summer AM sun foreshadows how hot it will get at it’s peak hour. the gentleman who never skips arm day sits on a bench and plays late 80s r&b on a boombox. a wife dressed for work and a husband in a grey terry robe appear to be in a tense conversation outside a townhome that could easily go for ~2 mil in today’s market. lively chatter from birds and gentle greetings from neighbors sound the same yet varies each day.

time is a social construct but feeling alive hours rub sweetly between waking up softly after a successful sleepover to getting doughnuts at 5AM after dancing for 5 hours.


meditations in an emergency


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